How do I set the time?

1. While the colon “:” is blinking, slowly press the Alarm Button twice to switch between the 12-hour and a 24-hour time system. The Digital Clock Display will read “12hr” and AM/PM will display while 12-hour time system is set.

a. NOTE:

i. If you are in the time setting mode with the minutes or the hours

flashing, press the clock button again until you get back to the main

screen with just the colon “:” blinking.

2. Press the Alarm Button once to enter the minute setting. Adjust the value using the Plus (+) and Minus (-) Buttons.

3. Press the Alarm Button once to enter the hour setting. Adjust the value using the Plus (+) and Minus (-) Buttons.

4. Press the Alarm Button to finish setting the time. The colon will flash. 

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